Hui Yang

  • Educational Background

    • Liaoning University  Majored in industrial management Undergraduate

      Liaoning University Business Management  Master 

  • Practice Experience

    • A practicing lawyer, a member of Finance and Taxation Committee of Shanghai Bar Association, and a member of Shanghai Law Society.

      MBA, CPA (Certified Public Accountant), ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) member, CIA (Certified Internal Auditor), CPV (Certified Public Valuer), and Senior Accountant. with 11 years’ experience in government financial policies, regulation research and management, and 13 years’ experience of working as enterprise senior management (deputy general manager and chief financial officer) and corporate legal management.

      Transboundary engagement in multiple industries, providing legal consultancy and solutions for enterprises from multiple perspectives of law, management and finance and multiple dimensions, good at handling enterprise-related economic and contract disputes, civil and commercial litigation, arbitration cases, corporate equity and governance structure planning, finance and tax planning and other enterprise-related legal non-litigation business. Having handled over 40 cases and 10 enterprises of various types.